Classes for 2023

Balance: Move, Breathe, Rest:

A structured exploration of yoga movement, breath work and constructive rest. Classes are clustered in 5 week thematic  blocks, but you are welcome to join at any point. Buy a 5 week pass for £35 or a drop in pass for £8.50. Mats available but please let us know if you need one. 
Suitable for all.

Thursdays 6:30-7:30pm from Feb 16th   Venue: Ostreme Centre, Mumbles 

Other things for 2023:

Donation only/ Pay what you can sessions for Spring/Summer 2023

Yoga in the Park- Singleton Park TBC

Early morning yoga/run/(optional) swim -  Meet nr Secret Cafe Monday 6:30am-8am TBC

Watch out for pop up beach sessions!

Cover sessions:

Please get in touch if you require short or long term cover for classes in Swansea or NPT area. 

Teen Yoga- 45 mins- available for schools and community groups 

Teen yoga is a great way to bring some stillness into your week. This class (aimed at 12+ year olds) helps participants to develop the core skills of yoga, and demonstrates how to bring them into daily lives. With young people experiencing high levels of anxiety and stress, yoga can support teens to navigate turblent times and switch off temporarily from daily life. 

One to One/ Private Group sessions:

One to one sessions are charged at £30.00 per hour.  These are held in the Sketty area of Swansea or in your own home. 

Private group sessions (4-8 people) are also available at times and locations convenient to you. Contact us for more information about cost and to discuss a bespoke program. 

Corporate and third sector groups - staff and/or clients

Get in touch for more information about our workshops. Most recent commissions include zoom mindfulness and yoga for Swansea Women's Aid, a series of taster sessions for Citizens Advice Bureau, Bloom, Swansea Carers Centre and a teen yoga classes in a local school. A course mapped to a Level 1 Agored Cymru Yoga Skills is also available. 

We can also provide office yoga sessions and tailored sessions for staff wellbeing days. 

Delyth  is DBS checked, a qualified level 3 coach and level 3 first aider.